
Curiosity Sol 2023, April 15, 2018

At 20:43:38 UTC, 16:18:06 local solar time, Mastcam Left captures its own freshly imprinted footprints on sand dunes named “Suilven Ripple”.Note the difference with the Sol 2017 image https://www.facebook.com/PianetaMarte.MdM/photos/a.1625578140858706.1073741828.1612043482212172/1668675009882352/ ), as well as the Sol 2020 image https://www.facebook.com/PianetaMarte.MdM/photos/a.1625578140858706.1073741828.1612043482212172/1673083946108125/ ).In this image, the footprints appear significantly deeper but less defined, while still showing some compactness. Especially in the upper right part of the image you can… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2023, April 15, 2018

A young lava flow

This image shows an extremely young lava flow in Elysium Panitia. The almost complete absence of impact craters indicates an age probably less than a few million years, a trifle in geological terms. In addition, the exposed rock layers, visible in the full photo, are of particular interest as they provide additional information about the geologic history of Mars. This post has been automatically translated.… Read More »A young lava flow

Curiosity Sol 2020, April 12, 2018

At 19:59:56 UTC, 17:30:43 local solar time, the Mastcam Left takes the traces impressed by a wheel of Curiosity itself on the Martian soil.This time, however, also appear on the ground “cracks” (enlarged in the box to the right of the image) that incredibly resemble the cracks that form when the clay is wet on the surface and then dried quickly at room temperature. Certainly… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2020, April 12, 2018


We are all, well or badly, used to take for granted the distortion of information provided by the mass media.We all know very well how television and newspapers can sometimes distort reality according to the convenience of their respective editors.But according to some “fresconi” scientific information would be totally free from such mechanisms!These “fresconi” pretend to peddle pearls of wisdom in a dogmatic way, without… Read More »SCIENCE VS DOGMATISM

The fungus that manages to survive on Mars

The experiment was performed on the Iss where scientists exposed a Cryomyces antarticus to the conditions of the Red Planet! Thanks to the report of a reader, I propose this article even though it is dated January 30, 2016.According to this research carried out on the International Space Station (ISS), not only bacteria but even molds and lichens would be able to proliferate on Mars… Read More »The fungus that manages to survive on Mars

Superfine tomatoes thanks to missions to Mars😋.

“The next time you eat a tomato or a bell pepper, look at it closely, because there’s a good chance its healthy appearance is due to former U.S. President Barack Obama’s speech and ESA’s research aimed at sending men into space for long-duration missions.” Being able to grow vegetables and greens in space may well make sense for astronauts, but why should we find certain… Read More »Superfine tomatoes thanks to missions to Mars😋.

Curiosity Sol 2016, April 8, 2018

At 11:20:45 UTC, 11:38:54 local solar time, the Mastcam Right shoots these very peculiar rocks on the Martian soil.The original image would appear to be a normal black and white image except for a “strange” screening. At a more careful analysis the strange dither was found to be a Bayer pattern (see https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schema_Bayer), where the pixels are grouped in arrays 2X2 in which two pixels… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2016, April 8, 2018

Curiosity Sol 2017, April 9, 2018

At 15:55:10 UTC, 15:27:38 local solar time, Mastcam Left took this close-up image of the Martian soil.The original photo was subjected to white balance and a slight increase in color saturation and micro-contrast.At the top you can see a couple of porous-looking rocks “pockmarked” by greenish spots, similar to those observed in some photos of Opportunity but with a less intense coloration.But “the highlight” are… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2017, April 9, 2018