
Content in the English language

NASA: organic molecules on Mars (again?)

by Giorgio Bianciardi, Vice President UAI and Astrobiologist – University of Siena …and finally also “authoritative voices” intervene This post has been automatically translated. See the original post here.

Opportunity on “stand by” during sandstorm

A sandstorm, which began just over a week ago, has outgrown North America, endangering the safety of the Opportunity rover.At the moment the rover, which depends on sunlight to recharge its batteries, has suspended all activity to save energy while waiting for the storm to end.It is certainly not the first time that Opportunity faces a similar challenge, but in this case we are just… Read More »Opportunity on “stand by” during sandstorm

NASA discovers ancient organic material and “mysterious” methane on Mars

(Read also https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=7154) NASA has called yesterday a press conference to announce the amazing discovery of ancient organic material on Mars as well as the discovery of seasonal cycles of methane emissions related to the hottest periods of the Martian year!I am more and more amazed to see how NASA treats the public opinion as a bunch of forgetful people to whom they can repeat… Read More »NASA discovers ancient organic material and “mysterious” methane on Mars

Layered deposits in the south pole of Mars

ExoMars TGO took this photo of the south polar cap of Mars on May 13 of this year.Please read the description given by ESA regarding the composition of the ice visible in this photo.While NASA has always stated that Mars’ south polar cap is composed primarily of dry ice, here ESA is talking exclusively about water ice!Here is a small demonstration of how important it… Read More »Layered deposits in the south pole of Mars

The Martian laboratory of Curiosity is active again

After an initial enthusiasm, then partially denied, finally the team of Curiosity was able to refine the technique to collect samples produced by the drilling instrument. Finally the internal analysis laboratory (SAM) has received enough material to perform the mineralogical analysis whose results will arrive soon… This post has been automatically translated. See the original post here.

Opportunity Sol 5102, June 1, 2018

Beautiful view of the Martian horizon, which in this photo appears a bit bluer than in the previous Sol photo (see https://www.facebook.com/PianetaMarte.MdM/photos/a.1625578140858706.1073741828.1612043482212172/1718513361565183/). We will probably see a lot of variation in weather conditions in the coming months…. This true-color photo was obtained by combining three images taken with narrowband filters in the three basic colors taken between 09:41:34 UTC and 09:44:30 UTC by Opportunity’s Pancam.The… Read More »Opportunity Sol 5102, June 1, 2018

Opportunity Sol 5101, May 31, 2018

Finally a piece of Martian sky framed by Opportunity’s Pancam!Its hue tends more to greenish than blue and is definitely milky anyway.In fact, Mars is approaching perihelion, period in which its global average temperature is about 20°C higher than at aphelion because of the ellipticity of its orbit around the Sun.This fact has great repercussions on the general climate of Mars, to the point that… Read More »Opportunity Sol 5101, May 31, 2018

Opportunity Sol 5099, May 29, 2018

The beautiful glimpse of the Martian panorama present in the previous photo (see https://www.facebook.com/PianetaMarte.MdM/photos/a.1625578140858706.1073741828.1612043482212172/1716487521767767/) this time in 3D to be observed with the appropriate red and blue glasses.This photo was obtained by combining two images taken with a narrow band red filter at 09:33:09 UTC from both lenses from Opportunity’s Pancam. 3D HD image: https://image.ibb.co/mASboJ/Oppy_Sol5099_3_D.jpg Original BN images: Pancam, left lens with Red filter (735nm… Read More »Opportunity Sol 5099, May 29, 2018

Opportunity Sol 5099, May 29, 2018

A beautiful glimpse of the Martian landscape in true color in which you can see the tracks dug by the wheels of Opportunity itself that expose the sub-surface layer of brick red soil. The rest of the panorama shows shades ranging from green to turquoise and pink to orange.This photo was obtained by combining three images taken with narrowband filters in the three basic colors… Read More »Opportunity Sol 5099, May 29, 2018