
Curiosity Sol 712, August 7, 2014

At 14:38:40 UTC the Mastcam Right has taken this photo of an evident water flow!Thanks to the report of a reader, I was able to trace this photo of five years ago in which there were already evident flows of water!It is unbelievable how a similar photo has been able to pass unnoticed despite representing clear evidence of the existence of water spills. For those… Read More »Curiosity Sol 712, August 7, 2014

Curiosity Sol 2475, July 24, 2019

At 02:35:31 UTC and 02:35:45 UTC the Mastcam Left took these two pictures that I merged together, to show you this beautiful Martian panorama. I was really impressed by the dark turquoise coloration of the sand dunes visible in the upper right; such a coloration I have seen only in a small lake in Trentino Alto Adige!The variety of colors visible in this overview is… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2475, July 24, 2019

Curiosity Sol 2474, July 23, 2019

At 05:04:45 UTC Mastcam Right captured this intriguing photo of Martian rocks and pebbles.It could almost look like a group of rocks and pebbles of no particular interest, but look closely and there are plenty of surprises.Let’s start by noting how the larger rocks have areas that are clearly dusty and areas that are so smooth and clean that they are shiny enough to reflect… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2474, July 23, 2019

Curiosity Sol 2473, July 22, 2019

At 03:00:20 UTC Mastcam Left captured this very colorful hillock of stratified rocks with a beautiful blue sky for background.From “Mars red” to purple and from green to yellow, great color variations that denote a great variety in the chemical and physical characteristics of the rocks and the soil itself.I hope that Curiosity can closely analyze the green spots visible even among the rocks in… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2473, July 22, 2019

Insight Sol 230, July 21, 2019

A few days ago began the operations to try to compact the soil around MOLE, in the hope that it will resume digging underground.In this photo taken by the Instrument Deployment Camera (IDC) at 16:12:48 LMST, we can see the robotic arm of InSight while it is wandering around the vicinity of MOLE without performing any significant action, as shown by the total absence of… Read More »Insight Sol 230, July 21, 2019

Curiosity Sol 2469, July 17, 2019

At 23:46:51 UTC Mastcam Left captured this beautiful hillock of stratified rocks with a beautiful blue sky for background.Suggestive and interesting, with lots of color variations not only on the rocks but also in the ground.To be observed in detail…The original image is a black and white encoding of the Bayer mask that has been converted to color through a process called “debayering” or “demosaicing”.… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2469, July 17, 2019

Curiosity Sol 2468, July 16, 2019

At 23:09:30 UTC the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) has taken this beautiful picture of a Martian rock from a distance of only 6.13 cm and with a definition of 0.029 mm/pixel, thus covering an area of 4.66 cm X 3.47 cm.Again a rock with holes that, as can be seen from the photo, are oriented extremely differently from each other.Various theories have been proposed… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2468, July 16, 2019

Curiosity Sol 2466, July 15, 2019

At 00:43:20 UTC the Mastcam Right captured this incredible picture of Martian pebbles.Now I wonder how such an image can go unnoticed!!!So many perforated pebbles, with all the holes oriented differently, certainly are not the result of the splinters of a meteorite because otherwise the holes should have been oriented all in the same direction and we should have observed the same holes in the… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2466, July 15, 2019

Curiosity Sol 2464, July 12, 2019

At 19:55:27 UTC the Mastcam Right shot again this suggestive hillock of stratified rocks with a beautiful blue sky for background (see Compared to the previous image of six days before, the shot is closer and you can see some differences in the color of the rocks while the sky remained the same.Many differences in color and brightness are surely due to the different… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2464, July 12, 2019