In front of the clues so striking, I really wonder if this can not be considered proof of the existence of life on Mars.
In what other way is it possible to justify these changes of color occurred over a period of only seven days?
Considering that the atmosphere is extremely rarefied and composed almost entirely of carbon dioxide, why does the excavated material change color?
I strongly encourage you to ask yourself these simple questions, perhaps asking them in turn to people you consider competent in the field, it is an insult to science to remain silent in front of such a fact!
Share this video and make sure that it is talked about, otherwise it will pass in silence this time something that instead could be of great importance for those who study the possible presence of life on Mars!
I want to reiterate that all three images were taken with the same camera, in very similar lighting conditions and have undergone the exact same processing with the same parameters!

Original posts of the individual photos:

Curiosity Sol 2754, May 5, 2020 at 21:20:49 UTC

Curiosity Sol 2758, May 9, 2020 at 23:00:02 UTC

Curiosity Sol 2761, May 13, 2020 at 01:39:59 UTC

This post has been automatically translated. See the original post here.

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