At 14:05:42 UTC the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) has taken this unique photo of the Martian soil from a distance of only 9.2 cm and with a definition of 0.0402 mm/pixel, covering an area of 6.33 cm X 4.74 cm.
The photo shows us another example of rock very blunted by erosion but with curious cavities definitely not attributable to erosion itself.
The aforementioned cavities are also decidedly different from the cavities present in rocks of volcanic origin, but then how were they formed?
I urge those in charge because the phenomenon can receive a minimum of attention from geologists and astrobiologists, their formation may be less trivial than it might seem at first glance.
This photo has been processed to allow a better view of the colors, balancing the white and slightly increasing the microcontrast.
Original image:
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