At 10:09:32 UTC the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) took this spectacular photo of a Martian rock from a distance of 25.5 cm and with a definition of 0.0982 mm/pixel.
The photo should therefore capture an area of 15.7 cm X 11.7 cm, giving us an idea of how thin the lamellar layers visible in this rock are.
Another curious aspect of this photo lies in the fact that normally these types of stratifications occur horizontally and not vertically as in this case.
This photo has been processed to allow a better view of the colors, balancing the white and slightly increasing the microcontrast.
Original image: https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/02441/mhli/2441MH0001900010901453C00_DXXX.jpg
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