
Curiosity Sol 2557: Moving Sand

It’s official, the “skid” on the sand that I presented yesterday was done on purpose to study the nature of the soil just below the surface.Unfortunately, the color photos taken so far do not depict the entire track but only a small portion of the upper section, although the analysis are already underway.We will see in the coming days… This post has been automatically translated.… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2557: Moving Sand

Curiosity Sol 2556, Oct. 15, 2019

The Front Hazard Avoidance Camera (Front Hazcam) took this picture at 10:49:44 UTC showing a trace left by the rover on the Martian soil.It is as if Curiosity had moved forward and then back, but curiously the other wheels of the rover do not seem to have left traces other than the one clearly visible here!Unfortunately, at the moment there are no color images of… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2556, Oct. 15, 2019

I’m convinced, we found evidence of life on Mars in the 1970s

These are the claims made by Dr. Gilbert V. Levin in a long article published on Scientific American, an authoritative scientific magazine. In this beautiful article are listed a series of arguments in favor of this thesis, highlighting also THE TOTAL ABSENCE OF AGAINST PROOFS! Article on Scientific American: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/im-convinced-we-found-evidence-of-life-on-mars-in-the-1970s/ Full interview with Dr. Gilbert Levin, creator and responsible for the LR experiment aboard the… Read More »I’m convinced, we found evidence of life on Mars in the 1970s

InSight: MOLE has resumed digging

Your browser does not support HTML video. During Sol 308 (October 9, 2019), the MOLE probe resumed digging by penetrating a few millimeters into the Martian soil, as documented by this sequence of images taken by the Instrument Deployment Camera (IDC).It seems therefore that the “scratch and push” of the robotic arm has been successful, although perhaps it is still a bit ‘early to sing… Read More »InSight: MOLE has resumed digging

************************ Breaking news ************************

Ascraeus Mons, October 6, 2019: another active volcano? After the ruckus created a year ago by the now famous “plume of Arsia Mons”, now it seems to be the turn of Ascraeus Mons, the northernmost of the three volcanoes known as Tharsis Montes (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascraeus_Mons). Ascraeus Mons is 18225 meters high compared to the average level of Mars and since in this photo it is… Read More »************************ Breaking news ************************

NASA “pushes” to save MOLE

They continue unsuccessfully the attempts of “scratch and push” to try to restore the ability of MOLE to dig into the Martian soil. It is useless to repeat what I have already explained in other posts (see https://www.facebook.com/PianetaMarte.MdM/photos/a.1625578140858706/2277212589028588/) since for months we insist applying the same technique without any result!Already at the end of August Tilman Spohn, Chief Researcher for the Heat Flow and Physical… Read More »NASA “pushes” to save MOLE

InSight “listens” to strange sounds on Mars

The InSight seismometer, which went into operation last spring, has already recorded more than one hundred events of which at least 21 are definitely seismic in nature. Among these at least two have exceeded magnitude 3, in particular the Sol 173 with a magnitude of 3.7 and Sol 235 with a magnitude of 3.3.In this article you will find the transformation into audible sounds by… Read More »InSight “listens” to strange sounds on Mars

We will soon discover life on Mars, but the world is not prepared for this “revolutionary” news

They would seem to be the words of an ordinary crackpot conspiracy theorist, but they are the words of the Director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division Dr. Jim Green! (see https://science.nasa.gov/about-us/leadership/dr-jim-green) This is the gist of the irritating statements released to The Telegraph https://edition.cnn.com/2019/09/30/us/nasa-life-on-mars-jim-green-scn-trnd/index.html ) and the Sunday Telegraph https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7517149/Nasas-chief-scientist-Jim-Green-predicts-Mars-rovers-launching-summer-life.html ). Both NASA and ESA mission that will start in 2020 to search for life… Read More »We will soon discover life on Mars, but the world is not prepared for this “revolutionary” news

Curiosity Sol 2539, Sept. 28, 2019

Your browser does not support HTML video. Between 02:21:18 UTC and 03:09:58 UTC Mastcam Left took this trio of images of the right flank of Mount Sharp.The first thing you notice is the obvious change in the brightness of the landscape with a much more pronounced drop in the second image. My first hypothesis was that of a possible partial eclipse, but subsequent astronomical verifications… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2539, Sept. 28, 2019

Discovered mysterious magnetic pulsations on Mars

NASA’s InSight lander has discovered something totally unexpected and unique on the surface of Mars.The red planet once possessed a global magnetic field of which traces remain evident in the rocks that make up its crust. Already in 1997 the probe Mars Global Surveyor was able to map the magnetic field of the Martian crust flying over the surface at an altitude ranging between 100… Read More »Discovered mysterious magnetic pulsations on Mars