
Perseverance lands on Mars

Tomorrow, February 18, 2021 from about 9 p.m., in conjunction with the Astronomical Observatory N. Copernicus (see, we will broadcast live images from the NASA operations center, to follow the landing of the probe Perseverance.Obviously, during the waiting moments, I and several members of the Observatory of Saludecio (RN) will speak about the landing site and the purpose of the mission in the Jezero… Read More »Perseverance lands on Mars

Curiosity Sol 2994, January 7, 2021

At 14:28:17 UTC the Mastcam Right has taken in detail the trace impressed on the sand by one of the wheels of Curiosity.The contours are poorly defined, unlike other cases where instead they were extremely clear, probably because here the sand is extremely dry, at least on the surface.You can clearly see how just below the first surface layer the sand appears darker and bluish.In… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2994, January 7, 2021

Curiosity Sol 2993, January 6, 2021

At 09:17:36 UTC the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) captured this very close detail of the Martian sand.The photo was taken from a distance of only 2.64 cm with a definition of 0.017 mm/pixel, thus covering an area of 2.64 cm X 1.96 cm.The largest grains measure about 0.7 mm, while averaging between 0.2 mm and 0.3 mm.Most of them, especially the smaller ones, show… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2993, January 6, 2021

Curiosity Sol 2946, November 19, 2020

At 05:34:04 UTC the Mastcam Left has taken the traces left on the Martian soil by its own wheels.While in this shot the soil shows a prevalent turquoise coloration, the tracks left by Curiosity appear of the classic “Mars red” color.Moreover, the tracks themselves do not appear deep at all, thus revealing that the turquoise coloration is produced only in a thin surface layer.Since on… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2946, November 19, 2020

Physical, spectral, and compositional properties of “Murray” and “Vera Rubin Ridge” in the Martian crater Gale

Interesting results on the chemical analysis of Martian soil, not to be missed! Free downloadable full article:“Spectral, Compositional, and Physical Properties of the Upper Murray Formation and Vera Rubin Ridge, Gale Crater, Mars” This post has been automatically translated. See the original post here.

Curiosity Sol 2928, October 31, 2020

At 13:46:08 UTC the Mastcam Right captured a rock with a very singular appearance.Seen in small it looks a bit like a cornucopia shape, but of course when observed in detail is clearly a rock formed by small conglomerates.Always note the variety of colors present on the ground….The original image is a black and white encoding of the Bayer mask that has been converted to… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2928, October 31, 2020

Curiosity Sol 2925, October 28, 2020

At 11:42:55 UTC the Mastcam Right imaged a small “crater” with peculiar characteristics.Given the perspective view, the shape appears elliptical but the true shape is most likely circular or nearly so. This feature leads to think that it is a small impact crater, but other details seem to contradict this hypothesis.Regarding the total lack of central depth it can be easily assumed that this has… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2925, October 28, 2020

Curiosity Sol 2924, October 27, 2020

At 10:58:48 UTC the Mastcam Right recorded a beautiful bluish “flow”.Note well how the flow has perfectly surrounded obstacles of significant size, which can only be produced by a liquid that spreads by capillary action and certainly not by a simple fall of sand!I also find interesting the greenish-turquoise coloring visible at the end of the casting…Definitely a nice set of interesting details!The original image… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2924, October 27, 2020

Curiosity Sol 2923, October 26, 2020

At 13:21:42 UTC Mastcam Left captured outcrops of layered rocks from which conspicuous bluish flows depart.As in other similar cases, the surrounding rocks have an extremely complex surface, even though they are stratified rocks.It’s been a while since I’ve found such an interesting photo; who knows if it was due to the season or simply to the place examined…The original image has undergone noise reduction… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2923, October 26, 2020