Finally a piece of Martian sky framed by Opportunity’s Pancam!
Its hue tends more to greenish than blue and is definitely milky anyway.
In fact, Mars is approaching perihelion, period in which its global average temperature is about 20°C higher than at aphelion because of the ellipticity of its orbit around the Sun.
This fact has great repercussions on the general climate of Mars, to the point that in the periods in which it is more distant from the Sun (aphelion) is very frequent the formation of clouds due to condensation of water vapor present in the atmosphere. Vice versa, in the hottest moments (perihelion), the relative humidity is lowered (not to be confused with the absolute humidity that tends to rise instead) and increases the strength of the winds, raising more dust in the atmosphere up to cause (sometimes) sandstorms that can also get to obscure the entire planet.
This photo was obtained by combining three images taken with narrowband filters in the three basic colors taken between 07:36:42 UTC and 07:39:17 UTC by Opportunity’s Pancam.
The original images (especially in the green and blue) have a high level of “noise” and so I applied a noise filter to all three colors to eliminate the spurious dots (“despeckle” filter).
RGB HD image processed: https://image.ibb.co/fMS7YJ/Oppy_Sol5101_1.jpg
Original BN images:
Red (735nm with 20nm bandwidth)
07:36:42 UTC
12:31:59 LTST https://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/p/5101/1P581018885EFFD2FCP2393L2M1.HTML
Green (535nm with 20nm bandwidth)
07:39:03 UTC
12:34:16 LTST https://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/p/5101/1P581019026EFFD2FCP2393L5M1.HTML
Blue (432nm with 32nm bandwidth)
07:39:17 UTC
12:34:30 LTST https://mars.nasa.gov/mer/gallery/all/1/p/5101/1P581019040EFFD2FCP2393L7M1.HTML
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