![Post image](https://themarsrovers.space/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/cacdb91e-e368-11ec-a2da-d55528de9140.jpg)
It is time to stop saying that on Mars the formation of liquid water is not possible!
In this map are highlighted in gray the areas where seasonally occur the conditions necessary to melt the ice into liquid water, while in the black area this is possible throughout the Martian year (see https://www.facebook.com/PianetaMarte.MdM/videos/395322594631582/).
Then I added the position of the various landers and / or rovers to better understand which areas have been explored. Unfortunately the most interesting zone (the black zone) seems to have been carefully avoided, probably due to the international treaty on planetary protection.
Note also how a good part of the probes have landed right in the areas where there are no conditions for the melting of the ice into water.
Search performed from data extracted from “Mars Climate Database v5.3: The Web Interface”. http://www-mars.lmd.jussieu.fr/mcd_python/
Processed image: https://i.ibb.co/qxQB6Kr/MCD-BN-Liq-Wtr-Area-Comb-Landers.jpg
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