![Post image](https://themarsrovers.space/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/d45bb530-e368-11ec-a2da-d55528de9140.jpg)
Yesterday, the protective dome was laid down on the seismometer.
In this picture taken by the Instrument Context Camera (ICC) at 10:19:19 LMST, we can see the robotic arm of InSight shortly after taking the protective dome from the back of the lander itself and laid on the seismometer to protect it from the weather and wind.
Now the seismometer is ready to do its job!!!
To show colors more similar to what the human eye would see, I subjected the image to white balance.
Balanced image: https://i.ibb.co/RDF0ppB/In-Sight-Sol0066.jpg
Original image: https://mars.nasa.gov/insight-raw-images/surface/sol/0066/icc/C000M0066_602378364EDR_F0000_2701M_.PNG
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