At 10:41:04 UTC the Mastcam Left shot for the fourth time this suggestive hillock of stratified rocks with a beautiful blue sky for background.
The previous time the sky was slightly cloudy (see https://www.facebook.com/PianetaMarte.MdM/photos/a.1625578140858706/2334143903335456/).
I also recommend the comparison with the previous images, that of Sol 2458 (see https://www.facebook.com/PianetaMarte.MdM/photos/a.1625578140858706/2291028767646970/) and that of Sol 2464 (see https://www.facebook.com/PianetaMarte.MdM/photos/a.1625578140858706/2300905249992655/).
Compared to the previous images there are further differences in the color of the rocks, which is extremely interesting in itself!
The original image is a black and white encoding of the Bayer mask that has been converted to color through a process called “debayering” or “demosaicing”. In addition, the photo has undergone noise reduction due to Jpeg compression, white balance and a slight increase in microcontrast and color saturation in order to make the colors more similar to what the human eye would see.
Original image: https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/raw_images/687128/ https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/02560/mcam/2560ML0134420280805637C00_DXXX.jpg
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