The Front Hazard Avoidance Camera (Front Hazcam) took this picture at 10:49:44 UTC showing a trace left by the rover on the Martian soil.
It is as if Curiosity had moved forward and then back, but curiously the other wheels of the rover do not seem to have left traces other than the one clearly visible here!
Unfortunately, at the moment there are no color images of this track, but I hope that they will be taken as soon as possible because the furrow shows interesting albedo variations that certainly correspond to color variations equally interesting.
Who knows if it was a small accident or a deliberate maneuver, I will inform you as soon as possible.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Original link: https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/raw_images/668336/ https://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/proj/msl/redops/ods/surface/sol/02556/opgs/edr/fcam/FRB_624406315EDR_F0770070FHAZ00302M_.JPG
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