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At 03:51:38 UTC the Mastcam Right filmed Voyageurs to verify the outcome of the drilling of the previous Sol.
Unfortunately, as can be seen from the photo, the drilling failed producing only a slight depression. The little material excavated was dispersed mostly towards the top of the photo, although it is unclear whether this was due to the wind or the slope of the rock surface itself. If the wind has played an important role in the dispersion of the excavated material we will find out comparing this photo with the one of the next Sol (today) that will be published tomorrow.
Then Curiosity will start to move in search of rocks “easier” to drill, since Voyageurs is among the hardest rocks ever encountered by the rover inside the Gale crater.

Processed image (white balance and a slight increase in contrast and color saturation):

Original image (raw):

Sol 2114: Finishing Up at the Voyageurs Drill Site
(Written by Mark Salvatore)

This post has been automatically translated. See the original post here.

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