
Curiosity Sol 2668, February 7, 2020

At 11:36:22 UTC the Mastcam Right has filmed a new excavation just made by the Curiosity drill.The excavation seems to be deep enough to have produced sufficient material for mineralogical analysis; the area had been previously “cleaned” by the rotating wire brush (DRT), leaving already a glimpse of the true turquoise color of the rock, which is also confirmed by the color of the excavated… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2668, February 7, 2020

Curiosity Sol 2663, February 2, 2020

At 06:31:45 UTC the Mastcam Right captured this colorful ridge of layered rocks with a somewhat hazy blue sky and wonderful (water?) flows on the sand below.The situation is very similar to the previous post (see https://www.facebook.com/PianetaMarte.MdM/photos/a.1625578140858706/2695087970574379/) but with a more hazy sky. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to have at least two photos of the same area taken at different times; it would be… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2663, February 2, 2020

Curiosity Sol 2659, January 29, 2020

At 05:44:30 UTC the Mastcam Right captured this colorful ridge of stratified rocks with a clear blue sky and wonderful flows (of water?) on the sand below.I am sincerely ecstatic to observe closely these dark “flows” that look very similar to the famous RSL (acronym for Recurring Slope Lineae, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seasonal_flows_on_warm_Martian_slopes) but smaller.The variety of colors is truly amazing!Even with all the good will, I… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2659, January 29, 2020

Curiosity Sol 2660, January 30, 2020

At 09:06:48 UTC the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) captured this very close detail of a truly extraordinary rock!The photo was taken from a distance of only 3.83 cm with a definition of 0.021 mm/pixel, thus covering an area of 3.32 cm X 2.47 cm.Observing the spherules captured in this image, one is led to note the extraordinary similarities with terrestrial ooids. In fact, some… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2660, January 30, 2020

Curiosity Sol 2657, January 26, 2020

At 23:59:34 UTC the Mastcam Right captured these beautiful “green mountains”, actually the inner rim of the Gale crater.The sky on the horizon appears cloudy in this photo as well, except for a glimpse of blue sky visible in the upper right corner of the image.Personally, I can’t stop staring at the green areas; such a shade of green hasn’t been observed in a while!The… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2657, January 26, 2020

Curiosity Sol 2654, January 23, 2020

At 21:17:11 UTC Mastcam Left took this nice overview of the long cloud formation on the horizon already partially shown in the previous post (see https://www.facebook.com/PianetaMarte.MdM/photos/a.1625578140858706/2683478418402001/). This photo frames a field of about 90° in width, or about a quarter of the entire horizon.It is evident that in reality Mars is not as arid as one would normally be led to believe!The original image is… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2654, January 23, 2020