
Opportunity Sol 5047, April 5, 2018

Between 23:08:05 UTC and 23:10:51 UTC Opportunity’s Pancam takes three images with narrow band filters in the three basic colors, from which it was possible to derive this extraordinary true color image of the Martian landscape.Milky sky and beautiful color variations of the landscape… Unprocessed RGB HD image (raw): Original BN images: Red (735nm with 20nm bandwidth).23:08:05 UTC15:30:22 LTST Green (535nm with 20nm… Read More »Opportunity Sol 5047, April 5, 2018

Opportunity Sol 5046, April 4, 2018

Between 22:50:50 UTC and 22:53:29 UTC Opportunity’s Pancam took three images with narrow band filters in the three basic colors, from which it was possible to obtain this extraordinary true color image of the Martian soil.To end an extremely productive day for Opportunity, a beautiful assemblage of porous rocks probably of volcanic origin (although personally I do not know of important volcanoes adjacent to the… Read More »Opportunity Sol 5046, April 4, 2018

Opportunity Sol 5046, April 4, 2018

Between 22:50:50 UTC and 22:53:29 UTC Opportunity’s Pancam takes three images with narrowband filters in the three basic colors, from which it was possible to derive this extraordinary true-color image of the Martian soil.Another image of the area adjacent to Opportunity…. Unprocessed RGB HD image (raw): Original BN images: Red (735nm with 20nm bandwidth).22:50:50 UTC15:51:58 LTST Green (535nm with 20nm bandwidth)22:53:14 UTC15:54:18 LTST… Read More »Opportunity Sol 5046, April 4, 2018

Opportunity Sol 5046, April 4, 2018

Between 22:46:39 UTC and 22:49:14 UTC Opportunity’s Pancam takes three images with narrowband filters in the three basic colors, from which it was possible to derive this extraordinary true-color image of the Martian soil.This shot is definitely impressive; notice the green rocks visible in the top edge of the image! RGB HD unprocessed (raw) image: Original BN images: Red (735nm with 20nm bandwidth)22:46:39 UTC15:47:54… Read More »Opportunity Sol 5046, April 4, 2018

Opportunity Sol 5046, April 4, 2018

Between 22:42:26 UTC and 22:45:01 UTC Opportunity’s Pancam takes three images with narrow-band filters in the three basic colors, from which it was possible to derive this extraordinary true-color image of the Martian soil.…the series continues… Unprocessed RGB HD image (raw): Original BN images: Red (735nm with 20nm bandwidth)22:42:26 UTC15:43:47 LTST Green (535nm with 20nm bandwidth)22:44:46 UTC15:46:04 LTST Blue (432nm with 32nm… Read More »Opportunity Sol 5046, April 4, 2018

Opportunity Sol 5046, April 4, 2018

Between 22:38:11 UTC and 22:40:47 UTC Opportunity’s Pancam takes three images with narrowband filters in the three basic colors, from which it was possible to derive this extraordinary true-color image of the Martian soil.Note the morphological variety of rocks in this area! RGB HD unprocessed (raw) image: Original BN images: Red (735nm with 20nm bandwidth)22:38:11 UTC15:39:39 LTST Green (535nm with 20nm bandwidth)22:40:33 UTC15:41:57… Read More »Opportunity Sol 5046, April 4, 2018

Opportunity Sol 5046, April 4, 2018

Between 22:25:22 UTC and 22:27:57 UTC Opportunity’s Pancam takes three images with narrow band filters in the three basic colors, from which it was possible to obtain this extraordinary true color image of the Martian soil.Always very interesting the color variations of this area! RGB HD unprocessed image (raw): Original BN images: Red (735nm with 20nm bandwidth)22:25:22 UTC15:27:11 LTST Green (535nm with 20nm… Read More »Opportunity Sol 5046, April 4, 2018

The distant shores of Mars

In this study we address a very interesting problem, namely the analysis of the distribution of coastlines of the ancient Martian oceans.In fact, some discrepancies from the average level have sparked debates for decades. In this research it is deduced that the Martian oceans were already present 4 billion years ago. the subsequent formation of the volcanic plateau of Tharsis would have perturbed the inclination… Read More »The distant shores of Mars

Post from April 04, 2018

Interesting image that comes from the rover of NASA OpportunityIt is probably a volcanic rock where the holes indicate the path of gas escape. But I’m not sure. Still, it’s very interesting. The first image shows the rover on the rock that photographed in detail (second image) This post has been automatically translated. See the original post here.