
Oxia Planum is preferred landing site for Exomars mission

The ExoMars Landing Site Selection Working Group has recommended Oxia Planum as the best landing site for the rover that will travel aboard the joint ESA-Roscosmos Exomars 2020 mission.The proposal will be screened internally by ESA and Roscosmos and however the final decision will be announced in mid-2019…. This post has been automatically translated. See the original post here.

Arsia Mons, November 6, 2018

At 18:03:23 UT the Mars Webcam, aboard the European probe Mars Express, took another image of the very famous plume of Arsia Mons. The length seems definitely increased compared to the photo of October 29 (see: Simply stunning!!! Image titled: Original image: This post has been automatically translated. See the original post here.

Curiosity Sol 2221, Nov. 5, 2018

At 03:02:03 UTC the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) imaged this very interesting rock from a distance of 32 mm, with a resolution of 0.0186 mm/pxl.In this close-up shot we can see in detail a vein of gypsum, or calcium sulfate, as well as several sand grains of various colors.This image has undergone white balancing to bring the color rendering closer to that of the… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2221, Nov. 5, 2018

Curiosity Sol 2217, November 1, 2018.

At 06:35:38 UTC the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) imaged this very interesting rock from a distance of 69 mm, with a resolution of 0.0318 mm/pxl.This rock named “Grange” is part of an area rich in calcium sulfate but with curious dark inclusions that could have an interesting composition.In fact, Checam’s laser has done some analysis of these inclusions, some visible to the slightly right… Read More »Curiosity Sol 2217, November 1, 2018.

The mysteries of Mars: Fabio Frabetti interviews Marco De Marco

Your browser does not support HTML video. Excerpt of the interview I gave to Border Nights on October 30, 2018 at 22:30, aired on WebRadioNetwork, conducted by Fabio Frabetti.The main topic of the interview was about the strange plume that for about a month and a half originates from the Martian volcano Arsia Mons and the inconsistencies with the official version provided by ESA. Full… Read More »The mysteries of Mars: Fabio Frabetti interviews Marco De Marco

MYSTERIES OF MARS: MARCO DE MARCO Marco De Marco and Salvatore Tamburro at Border Nights

Tonight at 22:00 I will release a live interview in which I will address the mysteries of Arsia Mons and beyond …More people will follow live this event and more chances there will be to bring to the surface the contradictions of the official version and maybe to push the ESA to provide more detailed and credible explanations; participate in numerous!It will be possible to… Read More »MYSTERIES OF MARS: MARCO DE MARCO Marco De Marco and Salvatore Tamburro at Border Nights

Arsia Mons, October 29, 2018

At 12:29:59 UT the Mars Webcam, on board the European probe Mars Express, has taken another image of the famous plume of Arsia Mons. The length seems greatly reduced but not its intensity, since it appears largely overexposed!If the phenomenon was really of geological origin and not meteorological, the reduction in the length of the plume could depend on a reduction in the intensity of… Read More »Arsia Mons, October 29, 2018

Arsia Mons, October 28, 2018

At 10:53:13 UT the Mars Webcam takes this new image of the phenomenon taking place on the volcano Arsia Mons.The shadow of the plume is definitely “black” and remains so even in photos much more overexposed, as in the image taken um minute and a half later that is almost completely overexposed!!!(see This means that the plume is so opaque that to an observer… Read More »Arsia Mons, October 28, 2018

A strange white cloud on Mars

INAF states:“It almost looks like a postcard, with the plume of smoke rising from the volcano Arsia Mons. In fact, it is the extra large version of an orographic cloud, similar to those that can be produced on the leeward side of Earth’s mountains.”Evidently these folks don’t even know that orographic clouds are formed “upwind” and not “downwind”! (see But the most outrageous statement… Read More »A strange white cloud on Mars

Mars Express keeps an eye on strange cloud

A very interesting article from ESA describing the famous “plume” discussed at length on this page.Apparently ESA seems to incorrectly date the beginning of this phenomenon to September 13, even if in the photos of September 16 we do not see anything particular (see animation ‘ target=’_blank’> On the contrary, the first image in which the “cloud” can be seen is dated September 17… Read More »Mars Express keeps an eye on strange cloud