On September 2, 2018, the CaSSIS camera aboard the ESA-Roscosmos ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter probe took a series of images to compose this beautiful one of a crater located at about 68° south latitude in the Sisyphi Planum region.
This crater contains numerous active gullies in addition to seasonal ice.
Although the ESA caption strangely refers to the presence of dry ice, I want to point out that according to the Mars Climate Database the daily maximum temperature for that period is well above 0°C (see http://www-mars.lmd.jussieu.fr/mcd_python/cgi-bin/mcdcgi.py?datekeyhtml=1&ls=251.7&localtime=13&year=2018&month=9&day=2&hours=13&minutes=52&seconds=34&julian=2458364.0781712965&martianyear=34&martianmonth=9&sol=487&latitude=all&longitude=all&altitude=0&zkey=3&isfixedlt=on&dust=1&hrkey=1&zonmean=off&var1=tsurfmx&var2=none&var3=none&var4=none&dpi=80&islog=off&colorm=jet&minval=&maxval=&proj=cyl&plat=&plon=&trans=&iswind=off&latpoint=&lonpoint= ).
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