Giorgio Bianciardi is Researcher/Aggregate Professor in the field of Pathological Anatomy, General Pathology, Complementary Medicine and Astrobiology at the University of Siena, where he has produced 370 works in print or presented at Congresses and books of popular science.
In the field of astrobiology, in particular, he has developed works that bring evidence on the presence of life on Mars, past and present, and on the origin of life. He also deals with astronomical popularization and studies of stellar photometry, he is responsible for the UAI Remote Telescope and is President of the network of Italian remote telescopes ASTRA. He is Editor of the magazine Astronomy of the Italian Astrophiliac Union (UAI), founder of the Union of Astrophiliacs of Siena (1974), Director of the Provincial Astronomical Observatory of Montarrenti, Siena and Vice-President of the UAI.
He is Leonardo Award 2010 for scientific divulgation.
Asteroid 55418 bears his name.
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