![Post image](https://themarsrovers.space/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/d1b4fa6c-e368-11ec-a2da-d55528de9140.jpg)
Yesterday, after the completion of the stationing operations of the seismometer and its connecting cable, the operations to pick up and place the protection dome on the seismometer have started.
In this photo taken by the Instrument Deployment Camera (IDC) at 17:13:24 LMST, we can see the robotic arm of InSight while it is about to take the protection dome from the back of the lander itself.
Probably already today will take place the positioning of the dome but we will have to wait until tomorrow to see the verification photos.
To show colors more similar to those that the human eye would see, I have subjected the image to white balance.
Balanced image: https://i.ibb.co/ScfWkbn/In-Sight-Sol0063.jpg
Original image: https://mars.nasa.gov/insight-raw-images/surface/sol/0063/idc/D000M0063_602137566EDR_F0000_0134M_.PNG
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