At 14:00:07 UTC Mastcam Left captured a beautiful white cloud formation silhouetted against a clear Martian blue sky!
Also for this Sol, this is not the only photo depicting a dense cloud formation (see order=sol+desc%2Cinstrument_sort+asc%2Csample_type_sort+asc%2C+date_taken+desc&per_page=50&page=1&mission=msl&begin_sol=3063&end_sol=3063&af=MAST_LEFT%7CMAST_RIGHT%2C%2C), proving that the humidity contained in the atmosphere is anything but negligible!
In the lower left corner you will also notice the same rock imaged on Sol 3057 (see
The original image is a black and white encoding of the Bayer mask that has been converted to color through a process called “debayering” or “demosaicing”. In addition, the photo has undergone noise reduction due to Jpeg compression, white balance and a slight increase in microcontrast and color saturation in order to make the colors more similar to what the human eye would see.
Original image:
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